Presentation in Westport, Ireland on Sunday 19th April


There was an enthusiastic audience of therapists at the TASK conference in Westport, Co Mayo in the beautiful west of Ireland this Sunday 19th April. Mags gave a presentation based on four case studies illustrating the nature of Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) within a Whole Health Medicine Institute (WHMI) framework.

Mags will also giving a presentation this forthcoming Sunday 26th April 2015 at The Royal Society of Medicine in London: The ‘Suppress, Manage or Cure’ SIRPA conference is the first TMS conference in Europe. It’s very exciting with several key speakers from USA – Dr. David Clarke, Dr. Howard Schubiner to name just two.

In Westport, there was also great excitement celebrating 20 years of TASK Ireland and a fabulous practical session covering elemental postural techniques and abdominal muscle work. Mags developed a physical social network and individuals, duets and groups discussed their ‘take away’ key points from the presentation. 

Here are some of the take away points:

·       Respecting individual perspectives.

·       Valuing Active Listening.

·       Nurturing gentle physical movement.

·       Therapeutic relationship potential.

·      Appreciation that each practitioner has a unique blend of skills to offer.

What skills do you think are important to resolving chronic pain? We would love to hear your views please comment below!

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