What We Do:
We help you learn about the neurophysiology of chronic pain and how to recognise what might perpetuate persistent symptoms, sometimes called triggers. This will help with pain resolution as well as improving stress resilience. As many of our case studies suggest, reducing the level of pain you feel can lead to life changing results.
Chronic Pain Conditions Commonly Treated:
Musculoskeletal: back, neck, joint pain, tension headache, RSI.
Abdominal and Pelvic Pain: IBS and PPGP.
Exhaustive Conditions: Fibromyalgia, ME.
We treat most types of chronic pain.
The term 'chronic' refers to the longevity of the pain. Most chronic pain has been experienced for over three months. Always check with your medical practitioner to rule out infection, cancer, fracture and autoimmune disorders before you call us.
Each appointment covers the fundamental concepts regarding the neurophysiology of pain and the importance of movement to pain resolution. You will be taught appropriate movement for your condition and other skills to improve stress resilience, these may differ depending on individual needs. Learning to trust and have confidence in your body again can be liberating.
Key influencers: Dr John Sarno, Dr David Clarke, Dr Lissa Rankin.
“Dear Mags,
When I first met you I was an eroded version of myself. I was a chronic people pleaser who desperately sought out not only peoples approval but their undying adoration. I thought I needed it, I thought it would make me whole. To say I was susceptible to being influenced by other people’s opinions and emotions would be a gross understatement, I would take their feelings and emotions and embroider them into my being. I thought their feelings were not only more important than mine but I sincerely felt that they actually were the fibers that made up my own thoughts and opinions. I craved their understanding, I needed their validation and love because without it I was a shell. I would’ve followed a stop sign into war. I tried to make myself digestible, someone who would be easy to love.
I was shattered pieces of feelings and you helped me make them into a mosaic. I didn’t know what to do with all of the things I felt so I threw them at people hoping someone would catch them and care for me. You helped me name the feelings and by doing so I no longer felt like I was a victim to my own emotions but instead that they were something I should cherish.
I started breaking apart my desire to be understood and guided, I started trusting myself. Trusting yourself is not something that weak people do. I understood that people are flawed, that I am flawed but that does not make us any less worthy of love. I got to know what I value and used that as my compass for how to make all of my decisions and be satisfied with them. It felt like I was trapped under rubble after an earthquake and you removed all the rocks so that I could emerge.
I feel like I got to know myself intimately throughout the process and could finally see past the fog of my emotions. I used to live my life in constant fight or flight mode, adrenaline constantly coursing through me and now I feel like my body can rest, that it’s ok. My thoughts used to be unable to move without bumping into some piece of the past. I paid tribute to my past experiences and they no longer control who I am today.
I finally feel like I can wrap myself in the tapestry of myself, I don’t need other people’s contributions. My values are sacred to me and where I used to ricochet between certainties and doubts, now I know every piece of myself and I know exactly what to do.
To say thank you seems almost disrespectful because of how little gratitude it conveys, in proportion to the magnitude of improvement I have felt, but I know no better words so thank you for the world you opened up inside of me, I like it here”
Appointments: You can book an individual consultation for chronic pain relief and or pregnancy support either face to face or online. Mags holds a monthly clinic in Carrickmines, Dublin and Edinburgh. It is also possible to book a face to face session in Cork. Appointments by phone or online are by Whatsapp or Zoom.
Classes: Mags teaches classes by invitation as part of Human Resources in Business, Universities and special interest groups.
Booking: Please see Contacts.
Listen to Mags Clark-Smith interview with East Coast radio station
“I would recommend that everyone should attend Mags Clark-Smith for a one-to-one consultation. She knows so much about the body. Her high level of training and vast experience shine through. Without her advice I would be on long term pain medication.”